Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Star Trekkin' - The Enemy Within

The Enemy Within

A transporter accident splits Kirk into 2 beings, one good, one evil.

This episode is a pretty good one. It's got a good concept, with the 2 Kirks showing multiple sides of the character, and how Kirk needs the mix of both to be a good captain. It also features some prime Shatner overacting, which is pretty great. But by contrast the good Kirk is borderline boring and too meek. But you get this:
Classic Shatner
The episode itself is pretty good, and it never feels like it is boring or containing filler. It has a b-plot involving Sulu and some red shirts being stuck on a planet, which is dropping to freezing temperatures as night falls. They are unable to beam back due to the ship due to the fear of creating more evil duplicates, but the crew being stranded planet side gives the show a ticking clock feel, like how the ship getting too close to the sun added to the stakes of The Naked Time. But most of the show is shenanigans involving the 2 Kirks running around the ship, with one being ineffectual, and the other being a jerk, stealing McCoy's booze, and then there's the scene where Janice Rand gets almost raped by evil Kirk, which is a bit awkward if you know the alleged circumstances behind Grace Lee Whitney being fired from the show.

But really, this is a great episode. The first season of the show really hit the ground running in terms of classics right out of the gate, and this one is no exception. It'd be worth watching just to see Shatner going HAM all over the show.

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